Employee Engagement Surveys

GfK helps companies find the right strategy and actions to motivate their employees to greater productivity and retention.  Choose GfK Employee Engagement because of our:

Industry-specific benchmarks based on representative samples that accurately reflect changes in the market for talented employees. We have industry experts in retail, hospitality, restaurants, financial services, technology, manufacturing and international experts worldwide. 

Master list creation from your organization's hierarchy structure can take hundreds of HR staff hours and hundreds of emails to clean, unless you divide and conquer.  GfK's SIS online tools make this process much easier for your HR staff.  Divide the work into sections so different people can log in, and simultaneously clean their part.  The same integrated tool houses scorecards and action planning tools that turn data into action. 

Proven definition of employee engagement is a leading indicator of retention, discretionary effort and productivity. GfK helps clients achieve measurable business improvements, and every project can include a rigorous business impact analysis.

Actionable prioritizations identify "do more” drivers that energize your employees; and "do less” drivers of attrition and apathy.  Your managers learn which levers to push for maximum impact on attrition and productivity.  Actionable drivers include manager effectiveness, teamwork, leadership and training/development. 

Customer focus does not automatically increase with employee engagement.  Some studies find a correlation, while others find no correlation at all.  The connection is not automatic.  GfK engagement programs help you identify the strategic, targeted actions required to strengthen the employee-customer connection and translate employee engagement into customer loyalty.

Training tools and events provide every manager with scorecards and action planning using world-class technology.  Change reaches every part of your organization. 

Benchmarks: are unique because they are based on a representative sample of employee, not merely a compilation of our clients' surveys.  Important advantages:

  •  A scientific sample, not slanted towards our client base. 
  • GfK benchmarks do not change as we add new clients.
  • Comparable benchmarks for loyalty index and drivers - across industries and many countries. 
  • Learn about our benchmarks early in your planning process, so your questions and scales match the best benchmarks available.

Action Planning To Drive Improvement: Our facilitators and online tools make it easy for your employees to complete and document action planning that improves engagement in your company. 

For help engaging your employees to reduce turnover of high-value employees, increase productivity, and decrease absenteeism and injuries, please contact us.

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Industry Benchmarks Available

Benchmarks are available for most industries.  GfK creates custom industry blends, to help our clients benchmark against all industries where they gain and lose talent.  For more information, please contact us.

Actionable Prioritizations

Different corporate cultures mean that different levers are stronger or weaker.  GfK will find the prioritization unique to your company. 

Why have managers focus on drivers that don't matter for your organization?  GfK finds the handful of drivers that explain why employees are motivated. 

Focus strategic and managerial actions on your company's strongest drivers of retention and productivity with GfK's Key Enhancer prioritization. 

Key Enhancer Prioritization
Key Enhancer Prioritization

Discover the strongest drivers of apathy and attrition, with GfK's Key Dissatisfiers prioritization. 

Key Dissatisfier Prioritization
Key Dissatisfier Prioritization

For more information, please contact us.