ASG Innovation Tree

Our unique approach to innovation is both consumer and future focused. Our processes include ASG Innovation Tree®, our predictive model that helps us see future opportunity space...areas where innovation is most likely to be fruitful, own-able, and have a high potential for success.

We ground our predictions in analytical rigor, logic, consumer insight and a deep understanding of innovation itself to help identify these promising avenues.

The Evolution of Innovation

ASG Innovation Tree Click to enlarge The ASG Innovation Tree® draws on GfK Strategic Innovation’s theory on the evolution of innovation. Our extensive work in tracking and analyzing consumer and product trends over 30 years has resulted in a deep understanding of how innovation evolves over time. Our work has revealed:


ASG Innovation Tree


  • Patterns of innovation within categories
  • Where a given category is in its evolutionary cycle
  • Predictable ways in which consumer needs (and benefits) tend to evolve
  • Likely future need/benefit space that innovation could successfully address

Once a fundamental picture emerges, ASG Innovation Tree models the progression of innovation in numerous categories (core and ancillary), providing some key insights:

  • Category specific innovation patterns and leading edge "markers" of innovation
  • Areas of "innovation energy" or "tipping points", around which we may gain insight into unarticulated consumer needs
  • Ways that consumer needs might successfully be dimensionalized in the future

This potent tool allows us to then look to the future and predict viable innovation paths, enabling clients to identify likely future "benefit space" that innovation could successfully address. The process results in a much tighter definition of space to explore for innovation (platforms) than any past method.

We use the ASG Innovation Tree® to identify likely future innovation territory, providing focus for the effort and a roadmap to sustainable growth.

GfK Strategic Innovation Proprietary Resources

GfK Strategic Innovation's expertise includes extensive research and analysis of new product introductions over the past 30 years. Sources of information for our Innovation Tree® predictive modeling include:

  • The ASG NewProductWorks Collection
  • Global innovation tracking
  • Product Scan database
  • Trend Bank
  • Trade show and literature monitor

For more information on GfK Strategic Innovation products and services, contact us today.


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